A few weeks ago I was contacted by Sleeklens to try out their Photoshop actions and give them a review. Honestly, I was skeptical because I love the actions I’m currently using and wasn’t sure how a new batch would fit into my flow. So I decided to keep an open mind and spend some time learning how the actions work and in which situations I’d need them. The set I was using was for Portraiture. I decided to edit a session exclusively using the software. And I have to admit, I was really thrilled. The images you see were completely edited using only the Sleeklens actions.
For this shot, you can see I not only brightened it,but I used the retouch option to soften skin and really make this image pop. I added some flare and that was it. It made an average photo into a work of art.
The same is true of this image. I was able to brighten the image and retouch to make it it soft and pretty. A little flare and it really stands out as such a lovely image.
For the next set it brightened and warmed the images nicely. It softened the skin nicely and you can see that easily on the man’s face.
For the last image, I was able to get ride of the green tint and warm up the image so the colors are nice and bright. A little skin softening to this and it looks great.
So then I tried editing other sessions where I would combine the Sleeklens actions with the ones I’m currently using. Again, it was a perfect match and worked beautifully with my flow. What I love about this also is that I’m not great with creating layers and masks in PS and this program does it for you so it makes it so easy and user friendly. That is win/win right there.
I mainly used Sleeklens for the skin softening and brightening of the eyes and it really made such a difference.
I am so thrilled I was able to remain open minded and give this a try as it will work beautifully with my regular flow and add a new dimension to my images that was missing. It’s also going to save me time and money sending images off to retouch that I can now do on my own which is HUGE! Thanks so much Sleeklens for letting me give this a try. Now go out and get yours! They make actions for almost every type of photography and I know it will make a perfect addition to your workflow.
You can go directly to this link https://sleeklen s.com/product/portrait-perfect ion-photoshop-actions/, https: //sleeklens.com/product/profes sional-photo-editing-service/
or here https://sleeklens.com/prod uct-category/photoshop-actions /
Hair and makeup by Anna’s Bridal Creations